Аннотация и ключевые слова
Аннотация (русский):
The results of the neutron diffraction investigation were compared with similar results obtained by analysing more $\mu$-CT, high resolution photographic and thin section images of a cylindrical sample of the textured Outokumpu (Finland) biotite gneiss. All data were interpreted by means of corresponding orientation distribution function (ODF). Both Rayleigh $R$ test of uniformity and Rao's $U$ test for homogeneity of the corresponding ODF confirmed the existence of a real anisotropic distribution of mineralogical phases within investigated specimens. Together with the neutron diffraction pole figures, ODF, unambiguously proved the existence of a lattice as well as of the shape preferred orientations of the mineralogical components of the complex Outokumpu gneiss.

Ключевые слова:
Outokumpu, mica gneiss, neutron diffraction, computed tomography, foliation, lineation, orientation distribution function
Список литературы

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