Аннотация и ключевые слова
Аннотация (русский):
This paper presents software solutions for integration of geoscience data and data processing algorithms based on the Discrete Mathematical Analysis (DMA) in GIS environment. The DMA algorithms have been adapted and implemented within the ESRI ArcGIS software as geoprocessing tools and combined into a single set of tools named ``Clustering''. This set can be used along with the standard ArcGIS geoprocessing instruments. The tools of the ``Clustering'' set have also been published on the GIS-server as geoprocessing services providing powerful analytical functions via the Internet. This paper gives a brief outlook of the geoprocessing tools preparation techniques. The results of DMA-based geoprocessing tools' application to geophysical data are also discussed.

Ключевые слова:
Geoscience data analysis, cluster analysis, geoprocessing tools, geoprocessing services, web-oriented GIS
Список литературы

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