Аннотация и ключевые слова
Аннотация (русский):
We present the results of the work which continues our previous studies of the geoacoustic emission (GAE) responses to the weak impacts from the varying electromagnetic fields. In this paper, we analyze the probable influence exerted on the amplitude of GAE responses by the electrokinetic processes associated with the activation of filtration flows during the preparation of a tectonic earthquake of moderate magnitude. Based on the consolidation model of an earthquake source developed by I.~P.~Dobrovolsky, we suggest the model describing the generation of electrokinetic currents in response to the change in the volumetric strain in the source area of the future earthquake. Our model takes into account the physico-mechanical properties of the medium in the region of the measurement borehole and the physical properties and chemical composition of water in the measurement borehole itself. Using this model, we carry out the numerical experiments on simulating the evolution of the specific density of electrokinetic current in the time vicinity of a considered seismic event. The calculated variations in the specific density of electrokinetic current qualitatively coincide with the variations in the amplitude envelope of GAE responses.

Ключевые слова:
Geoacoustic emission, electrokinetic processes, electrical double layers, electromagnetic radiation, preparation of a tectonic earthquake, borehole
Список литературы

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