Аннотация и ключевые слова
Аннотация (русский):
According to the existing international requirements, construction of an underground research laboratory that allows to obtain parameters of a host rock mass is a mandatory initial stage when siting a deep geological repository for high-level radioactive waste. The main idea of the basic international and Russian documents regulating the safety of handling high-level radioactive waste is that geological medium is the main barrier to the spread of radionuclides. The results of the world's leading research in this area are directly related to the development of methods, algorithms and software modules for predicting the stability of a structural tectonic block containing waste material of an underground high-level radioactive waste repository. This structural and tectonic block is located in the field of action of time-varying and spatially varying tectonic stress fields as well as the heat field from high-level radioactive waste containers. The results of modeling and implementation of the geodynamic monitoring system based on the use of GPS/GLONASS satellite systems will be used as the basis for the design development of ``Rosatom'' organizations for the construction of URL, which is created in accordance with IAEA requirements to justify the suitability of the Nizhnekansk massif for underground isolation of radioactive waste. Below we consider the influence of the seismotectonic environment, the geodynamic regime of the territory and anthropogenic factors on the possible destruction of the rock in a dynamic form at different hierarchical levels.

Ключевые слова:
stress-strain state, geodynamic observations, geodynamic zoning, GPS/GLONASS, underground research laboratory, high-level radioactive waste
Список литературы

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