Аннотация и ключевые слова
Аннотация (русский):
It is told about the development of geomagnetic observatories of Ukraine from its establishment up to the present moment. We describe the instruments of the absolute and variational observations of the Earth geomagnetic field. We present the observations data of geomagnetic observatories in Ukraine, which are part of the global network INTERMAGNET.

Ключевые слова:
Geomagnetic observatories of Ukraine, INTERMAGNET, Earth geomagnetic field
Список литературы

1. Bakhmutov, Magnetic Observatory "Argentine Islands." Station "Academician Vernadsky", Bulletin of Ukrainian Antarctic Center, 1997.

2. Belousova, Control of Observation Materials of Geomagnetic Observatory, 1957.

3. Bobrov, Series of quartz magnetic variometers, Geomagn. Aeron., no. 2, 1962.

4. Jankowski, Guide for Magnetic Measurements and Observatory Practice, 1996.

5. Marianiuk, Recording of geomagnetic field elements with a photo-electric magnetometer, Publications of the Institute of Geophysics Polish Academy of Sciences, v. C-5, no. 125, 1978.

6. Melnik, Station "Academician Vernadsky" in the network of Ukrainian INTERMAGNET observatories, Ukrainian Antarctic Journal, no. 6-7, 2008.

7. Nechaev, Guide for the Stationary Geomagnetic Observations, 2006.

8. Orkisz, Dane Spostrzezen Magnetycznych w Janowie z lat 1933 Oraz 1934 Instytutu Geofizyki i Meteorologii UJK we Lwowie, no. 102, 1936.

9. Salino, Geomagnetic Measurement at Argentine Islands 1957-1982, 1985.

10. Stenz, Jak pracowala stacja magnetyczna w Daszawie, Priroda i Technika, no. 10, 1931.

11. St-Louis, INTERMAGNET Technical Reference Manual, version 4.4, 2008.

12. Sumaruk, Geomagnetic observatory ``Lviv'': the past and the present, Geophys. J., no. 5, 2009.

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