The Polymetallic Deposits of the Western European Plate and Structure of the Earth's Crust According to GOCE Gravity Data
Аннотация и ключевые слова
Аннотация (русский):
For the first time, the results of modern studies of the earth's crust based on gravity data from the GOCE satellite Project are used for a comparative regional metallogenic analysis of the geodynamic settings of the formation of polymetallic deposits in Western Europe and the Mediterranean segment of the Tethys belt. It is shown that exhalative sulfide deposits (SEDEX) and cuprous sandstones and shales (SSC) are mainly located in the earth's crust with a predominant development of the lower “basalt” layer of the earth's crust. Pyrite copper and lead-zinc deposits in volcanogenic rocks (VMS), as well as some occurrences of the SEDEX type, are found in supra-subduction island-arc and accretionary crustal settings with a predominant development of the middle “granite” layer. Lead-zinc ores of the Mississippi type (MVT) are localized in deep pericratonic sedimentary basins with petroleum-bearing specialization on the shelf and continental slope, regardless of the stratification of the earth's crust. The results obtained can be used for regional forecasting and metallogenic constructions, prospecting and assessment of new deposits.

Ключевые слова:
Western Europe, Tethys, lithosphere, Earth's crust, base metal, deposit, SEDEX, MVT, VMS, SSC
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