Vector-Based Seismic Decomposition by Reverse Time Methods
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Abstract (English):
The paper analyzes the decomposition of the initial seismic data by the methods of wave reversal in time when constructing seismic attributes. Within the framework of a formal approach to decomposition, as a mapping of data from one space into data of a larger dimension, a classification of existing seismic survey methods is given. Separation of the stage of decomposition in seismic data processing makes it possible to streamline the existing directions of research in this area of seismic exploration. The vector decomposition, which is the basis of a new method of seismic data processing Reverse Time Holography (RTH), is analyzed in detail. The RTH method includes, as a special case, the depth migration method, the offset reflection amplitude analysis method, the acoustic inversion method, and is an alternative to the migration-based velocity estimation method and the full wave inversion method. A close connection between the technique of wavefront time reversal in seismic exploration and analogous time reversal in optics and acoustics is noted. The variety of deep seismic attributes obtained in the RTH method based on vector decomposition makes it possible to solve a wide range of practical problems of prospecting and developing hydrocarbon deposits at a new qualitative level. The RTH method has been successfully tested at 21 hydrocarbon fields in various oil and gas provinces of the Russian Federation.

seismic, time reverse, scattering, seismic attributes, migration, decomposition
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