Asymptotics of Far Fields of Surface and Internal Gravitational Waves from Local and Nonlocal Perturbation Sources
Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
The far fields of internal gravity waves from a radially symmetric initial perturbation of lines of equal density in a layer of a stratified medium of finite thickness, as well as the far fields of surface waves from an impulse source in a homogeneous liquid of finite depth, are studied. Integral representations of wave perturbations are obtained. Uniform and non-uniform asymptotic solutions are constructed that allow describing the amplitude-phase structure of the far fields of surface and internal waves. It is established that uniform asymptotics make it possible to effectively calculate long range wave fields both near and far from the wave front.

stratified medium, internal gravitational waves, far fields, surface waves, uniform asymptotics, wave front, Airy function.
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