УДК 55 Геология. Геологические и геофизические науки
The problem of preserving the diversity of the Earth’s flora is extremely relevant due to the increasing impact of economic and other human activities on the natural environment. The most fragile and very significant part of the flora in need of protection are rare, endangered and threatened with extinction species. From a biological point of view, these categories include: species that are not threatened with extinction, but their number on the planet is very small; species that are dying out as a result of evolutionary processes; species that are potentially vulnerable due to their biological characteristics; widespread species that reduce their range and numbers as a result of anthropogenic influences. The article shows that the Khadzhokh recreational area of the Republic of Adygea includes three settlements: the villages of Dakhovskaya, Kamennomostsky and Pobeda, which are the most attractive for the local population and tourists from all the regions of Russia and abroad. Based on the survey of the territory of the area in 2017–2022, we studied landscape and botanical monuments of nature and identified rare plants. The rare flora of the area includes a large proportion of relict and endemic species. The rarest plant species are recommended for inclusion in the third edition of the Red Book of the Republic of Adygea, which will be published in 2023. The limiting factors of the rare flora of the area are revealed. The aim of the work is to study the Khadjokh recreational zone of the Republic of Adygea, identify the species composition of plants in this territory and identify rare species, assess the current state of their populations and determine the category of rarity status for the third edition of the Red Book of the Republic.
Republic of Adygea, Khadzhokh recreational area, natural monuments, rare plants, endemics, relics, Red Book of the Republic of Adygea
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