Gvishiani Alexei

Author's profiles
Academic degree
doctor of physical and mathematical sciences
Science rang
academician, Russian Academy of Sciences
  1. Geophysical Center of the Russian Academy of Sciences , Chief Scientist ,
  2. Schmidt Institute of the Physics of the Earth Russian Academy of Sciencies ,
  • Journal "Russian Journal of Earth Sciences" ,
  • Journal "Vestnik of geosciences" ,
Scientific interests
mathematical methods of artificial intelligence in application to geophysics, study of the Earth’s magnetic field, geoinformatics, systems analysis in seismic zonation

Author of five books published in Russian, English, French, Hungarian and Italian languages.

About 200 papers have been published in international and Russian scientific peer-reviewed journals.

The works of A.D. Gvishiani were published in collaboration with academicians: I.M. Gelfand, M.A.Sadovsky, V.N.Strakhov, V.I.Keylis-Borok, I.F. Obraztsov, V.I. Osipov.

Complete list of publications (in english)

Moscow, Russian Federation
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